Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Hills are alive at LA Fashion Week

Lauren Conrad - The Hills - Laguna Beach - it's fashion, dahling!On the news radar this week....

1. Lauren Conrad from Laguna Beach/The Hills 'fame' showed her first catwalk collection at LA fashion week. The clothes aren't bad but would she ever have got such a chance if she hadn't become a reality TV star first?

Harvey and Javine show off their baby. I hate this couple. I love Alesha Dixon (probably cos my hubbie signed her band MisTeeq). Poor girl must hate seeing these two losers flaunting the spawn of their loins. And what kind of name is Angel?!

3. Britney Spears get a sexy new makeover. Wish I could get me one of these?!

MTV presenter Emma Griffiths shows off her fashion credentials. I saw her at a press event the other week and she looks gorgeous in the flesh. Not too skinny either.

5. Is it just me or is Madonna finally starting to look her age? She's kind of bordering between yummy mummy and hip but failing. I hate the hair - it looks like it wouldn't move in a hurricaine, which could be quite useful in this weather we're currently having!

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